The 19th Asian Games 2023 were hosted in Hangzhou, People’s Republic of China from 23rd September to 8th October.

The Final Medals position for which about 12,000 athletes from 45 countries competed was as follows – Updated on 8th October 2023; 15:15 Local Time.

People’s Republic of China (CHN)20111171383
Japan (JPN)526769188
Republic of Korea (KOR)425989190
India (IND)283841107
Uzbekistan (UZB)22183171
Chinese Taipei (TPE)19202867
Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI)13212054
Thailand (THA)12143258
Bahrain (BRN)123520
D.P.R. Korea (PRK)11181039
Kazakhstan (KAZ)10224880
Hong Kong, China (HKG)8162953
Indonesia (INA)7111836
Malaysia (MAS)681832
Qatar (QAT)56314
United Arab Emirates (UAE)551020
Philippines (PHI)421218
Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)42915
Saudi Arabia (KSA)42410
Singapore (SGP)36716
Vietnam (VIE)351927
Mongolia (MGL)351321
Kuwait (KUW)34411
Tajikistan (TJK)2147
Macau, China (MAC)1326
Sri Lanka (SRI)1225
Myanmar (MYA)1023
Jordan (JOR)0549
Turkmenistan (TKM)0167
Afghanistan (AFG)0145
Pakistan (PAK)0123
Brunei (BRU)0112
Nepal (NEP)0112
Oman (OMA)0112
Iraq (IRQ)0033
Lao P.D.R. (LAO)0033
Bangladesh (BAN)0022
Cambodia (CAM)0011
Lebanon (LBN)0011
Palestine (PLE)0011
Syrian Arab Republic (SYR)0011