21st Sind Open Golf C’ship ’19: Ahmed Baig Wins 1st Title As Pro.

KARACHI: The 21st Jubilee Sind Open Golf Championship came to a stimulating conclusion at the Arabian Sea Golf Club Golf Course with the youthful and blooming Ahmed Baig of Lahore Garrison being the winner. The recently turned professional showed profuse brilliance and intelligence loaded inspirational smartness, to emerge as the title winner and win the first major title as a professional golfer.
During the course of the three competitive rounds at the admirable and commendable Arabian Sea Golf Course, Ahmed Baig gave a splendid and pulsating display of golfing skills that impressed even his adversaries. Driving off the tees was powerful and accurate and his approach shots to the green were classy and most of the time they landed within five to six feet of the hole. His victory came through scores of 67 in the first round, 66 in the second round, 67 and another 67 on the final day on Sunday and his aggregate winning score was 200, sixteen under par.
“Karachi has been beneficial for me “said Ahmed “and what makes the occasion memorable is that I have won the first professional golf title ever since I gained entry to the Professional Golf Tour of Pakistan”. “Undoubtedly I was nervous when i teed off on the first day, but with every shot i gained confidence and the urge to win stayed strong”. He thanked the Pakistan Golf Federation, for showing confidence in him and awarding him the Professional Tour Card”.
His competing mates in this championship included the mighty ones of the national golf scene like the indomitable Shabbir Iqbal, the elegant Matloob Ahmed and the powerful M. Munir. Through total excellence and display of extraordinary hitting control and application of golfing skills, Ahmed Baig remained relentless.
Matloob Ahmed made a determined effort but in the ultimate reckoning had to be content with the runners up slot. He lost the race to Ahmed by a margin of five strokes. While Ahmed had a three days aggregate score of 200, sixteen under par, Matlloob aggregated a score of 205, eleven under par.
Other top performers were Shabbir Iqbal of Islamabad with a three days score of 68,71 and 69 and an aggregate of 208, eight under par. By virtue of this he secured the third position. Shahid Javed Khan of Gymkhana came fourth with a score of 209, seven under par, certainly a wonderful performance but only fetched him the fourth slot. Another one who ended the championship at a score of 209 is M. Tariq of Islamabad. A few more who did well are Waheed Baloch of Karachi Golf Club, with a score of 210, Amjad Yousaf of MGGC 212 and Khalid Khan from KPK with 212.
In the Amateur Section, Ghazanfar Mehmood (GCGC) came first. His score for the three days was 72, 73 and 74 and an overall aggregate of 219. Second position was attained by M.Sharif (WWGC) and Zohaib Asif (DHA, Karachi) came third.
In Junior Amateur category the winners were Saad Habib, first and Mikyal Majid, second.
The prize distribution was held at the Arabian Sea Golf Club Lawns and the chief guest, Taufeeq A Chinoy, Chairman, Jubilee Insurance gave away prizes to the winners in a ceremony also attended by Arif Ali Khan Abbasi, CEO, Arabian Sea Golf Club, Asad I.A.Khan, President Sind Golf Association.
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