CAS Karakoram Int’l Alpine Ski Cup 2019 – Slalom Event: Ukrainian Dominate

ISLAMABAD: The second day of 3rd Serena Hotels-CAS Karakoram International Alpine Ski Cup, was absolutely dominated by the Ukrainian skiers. They clinched two positions each in both men and women slalom races in the international event being held at the enchanting PAF Ski Resort Naltar.
Tsibelenko Levko remained unassailable in the Men’s Slalom Category while his countryman Nariichyn Andriy got the third position. Local sensation Mr. Muhammad Karim put up a spectacular show by finishing second in the same category of this momentous international event.
Meanwhile, in the Women’s Slalom event Ukraine proved unbeatable as two Ukrainians Tikun Tetyana and Anastasia Gorbunova carried on with their superb performance from the last day’s giant Slalom event, winning both 1st and 2nd positions respectively. Pakistani skier, Gia Ali stunned her rivals in the race with her superb performance and remained 3rd in the event.
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40 Skiers from 13 countries including Pakistan, Greece, Afghanistan, Turkey, Ukraine, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Morocco, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, and Tajikistan are participating in this grand event. Competing in the FIS races against the highly ranked skiers of the world has offered an excellent opportunity to Pakistani athletes to showcase their talent at international level and learn from their competitors’ experience.
Winter Sports Federation of Pakistan, in collaboration with Pakistan Air Force is organizing and promoting winter sports in Pakistan.
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