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Industry is the production of goods or related services within an economy. The major source of revenue of a group or company is the indicator of its relevant industry. When a large group has multiple sources of revenue generation, it is considered to be working in different industries. Manufacturing industry became a key sector of production and labour in European and North American countries during the Industrial Revolution, upsetting previous mercantile and feudal economies. This come through many successive rapid advances in technology, such as the production of steel and coal.

Tokyo Paralympics 2020-2021 Main 2

Tokyo Olympics: Japan Preparing To Vaccinate Population 4 …

To ensure that the forthcoming Tokyo Olympics are held in safe environment the Japan Government is preparing to vaccinate its population 4 times a...
Tokyo Paralympics 2020-2021 Main 2

Tokyo Paralympics 2020-21: Japan Celebrates Opening Ceremony In Advance

The opening ceremony of the Tokyo Paralympics is scheduled to be on 24th August 2021. As exactly one year is left for the event...
Mohammad Waseem, Pakistan's top ranked boxer

Pakistan Boxing & Olympics: PBF Reveals Plan To Qualify Waseem For Olympics

The PBF Pakistan Boxing Federation has announced a plan to qualify Pakistani boxer-Muhammad Waseem for the forthcoming Tokyo Olympics 2020-2021. The recommended plan is...
RisAF pays fine to WA

Athletics-World Athletics: Russia Pays $ 6.3 Million Fine

The RusAF Russian Athletics Federation to avoid its expulsion has paid fine of $ 6.3 million to World Athletics. Due to this issue the Russian...

2032 Olympic Games: Qatar To Bid

Qatar formally announced that they are interested and would be bidding for hosting of the 2032 Olympic Games. QOC-Qatar Olympic Committee elaborated that the formal...
South Sudan

Allsportspk Inspiration: South Sudanese Olympics Athletes Competing For Peace

Abraham Majok is one of the four athletes from South Sudan training for the upcoming 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games but his motivation goes far beyond merely...

Allsportspk Affected Sports Tracker-Update 12th April: Milan Video Derby Ends In Draw + More

The coronavirus pandemic continues to affect the whole world including sports. Allsportspk Tracks the effect on Global Sports and releases the latest updates. 12:00am...

BREAKING Tokyo Olympics 2020: Postponed Till 2021

The Tokyo Olympic games which were to be held from 24th July 2020, have been postponed for a period of one year till 2021. The...

BREAKING Tokyo Olympics 2020: 2021 Date Finalized

IOC - International Olympic Committee and the Japanese organising officials announced that the 2020 Olympics will be held from 23rd July to 8th August...

2020 Tokyo Olympics: Will Torch Relay Event Take Place?

JAPAN: The organizers announced that the Olympic torch relay event will proceed as scheduled. The relay event is planned to commence on Thursday, the...
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